Author Archives for admin

Metal Roofing – Pros and Cons

September 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When deciding to put a new roof on your home, there is a myriad of materials available to choose from. Included in those options is a metal roof that offers unparalleled longevity, improved energy efficiency, and little to no maintenance. Material options for a metal roof include steel, copper, aluminum, zinc, tin, and copper. Additionally, metal roofing can be purchased in a variety of colors and styles to look like slate, tile, shingles, and coated panels. Keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons of a metal roof.  Benefits Offered by Metal Roofing Generally speaking, a metal roof... View Article

Will Lumber Costs Come Down in 2023?

August 15, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Here at Buhrt Builders Inc., we look at world events and happenings to see how the cost of lumber and other factors may impact new home construction. There have been a number of interesting developments in the construction world and the price of lumber in world markets in recent years. Thus, we want to look at what the cost of lumber might look like in 2023.  Lumber Prices Have Fallen Considerably  The price of lumber was at very high levels in 2020 and 2021. The exact reason for the spike can be debated by very smart people, but the general... View Article

Helpful Tips to Keep Electric Bills Down in Winter

August 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you searching for some energy saving tips for the winter? Now that you have made it through the summer running your AC, it is time to get prepared for the winter months and the heat. This means you can expect another spike in your utility bills. But, no need to worry because, with some simple tips, you can easily reduce your utility bills this winter. Ways to Reduce Electric Bills This Winter Whether you have a custom home builder or are doing these things on your own, here are several tips you can take to cut down on your... View Article

The Timeline of Building a Custom Home

July 15, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Having your own custom home built is an exciting adventure. Most prospective new homeowners will feel some level of impatience during this long process. It can help when you are aware of the average timeline for a new home build. This quick guide will introduce you to the different elements of new home construction and give you an idea of how long each step might take when working with a custom home builder. Remember there can be a lot of factors that will affect the actual timeline for each build, so there are no hard fast rules. It is important... View Article

Planning a Home Remodel – Tips and Tricks

July 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Here at Buhrt Builders Inc., we know that there are a lot of home remodeling tips that people need in order to have a successful time getting their home set up the way that they want. We have some great tips that you can use when you get in touch with a remodeling contractor.  Know What Your Vision Is It is incredibly important that you make sure that you know what your vision is for your property. You need to have a plan and make sure that the contractor is able to adapt to your plan as much as possible.... View Article