September 10, 2021 3:23 pm
Published by Writer
Are you looking for the perfect new addition to your yard? Trellises, arbors and pergolas are all excellent options, though it can be difficult to choose between them. When constructed correctly, all these structures can brighten up any landscape. However, there are many differences between the three of them. Below, we go over each of these structures in great detail. Read on if you’re interested in adding one of them to your yard but are having a hard time deciding between trellises vs. pergolas vs. arbors. Arbors Arbors are usually arched structures covered in flowers or some other sort of... View Article
August 27, 2021 3:23 pm
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You’ll probably be faced with a multitude of options when trying to pick the perfect materials for your new privacy fence. Before making a quick decision and purchasing stacks of a certain material, it’s good to consider all your options. There are many things you’ll want to consider when trying to decide on the right privacy fencing material, including your budget. Read on if you’re interested in learning about the pros and cons of many different fencing materials. Hopefully, this guide will help you decide on the right one for your privacy fence installation: Vinyl fencing: Vinyl fencing is made... View Article
July 23, 2021 11:18 pm
Published by Writer
There’s nothing quite like watching the sunset from your own backyard patio—except for the punishing heat that the sun inflicts. When you have a west-facing patio, the late afternoon and evening sun can raise the outdoor temperature significantly. It’s not particularly comfortable, and it can even heat your home’s interior if you have glass patio doors. Luckily, there are some patio design tips and tricks you can employ to beat the heat. Throw some shade The best way to protect your patio from the heat is to create shade. There are many ways you can accomplish this, from planting trees... View Article
July 9, 2021 11:18 pm
Published by Writer
Pergolas are a beautiful way to add shade to your garden. When you train trailing vines and flowers to grow over the structure, you’ll have a great garden showpiece. They’re a relatively inexpensive item to build, making them accessible to most homeowners. Here’s what you can expect to pay when you work with pergola builders. General cost considerations As you might imagine, the price of a pergola largely depends on its size. The bigger your pergola, the longer it will take to build and the more materials it will require. Whether you go the DIY route or work with contractors,... View Article
June 22, 2021 2:38 am
Published by Writer
Installing a fence is a great way to boost the value of your property while providing better privacy and security for your home. However, it’s not always easy for homeowners to narrow down their fencing options and find the material and style that’s best for their needs. If you’re interested in installing privacy fencing on your property, keep reading for help deciding which materials are right for you. With so many different types of fences to choose from, it can be challenging to select just one material and design. That’s why understanding more about some of the benefits of different... View Article