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Five Ways to Prepare Your Home for Winter

November 9, 2018 9:55 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As you’ve already noticed, the cold weather has started rolling in, which means winter is just around the corner! That means right now homeowners across the country are getting their homes ready for the changes in temperature and weather. Is your home prepared and adequately protected? Topping the list of reasons to winterize a home is to save on heating bills, but it’s also for your indoor comfort and safety. The good news is that after you gather all the necessary supplies, you can winterize your entire house in a few short days. So, what are the best ways to... View Article

Why You Should Invest in a Pergola

October 23, 2018 10:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There are few better feelings than being able to sit outside and relax on your own property, whether it’s with a cup of coffee, a good book or a barbecue with friends. The combination of the fresh air and the feeling of satisfaction that comes with having such a comfortable outdoor space on your property is always a welcome one. If you’re the kind of person who likes to spend a lot of time outside on your patio or deck, why not put in an investment to make that space even more functional and enjoyable? One of the most valuable... View Article

A History of Built-in Furniture

October 9, 2018 10:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Built-in cabinetry and furniture are elements of homes that often increase their value, thanks to their high-quality craftsmanship and the extra functionality they work into a space. While built-ins are often associated with modern design, there is a history of creating built-in furniture for homes that goes back centuries. Here’s a quick history of built-in furniture from a home builder in Syracuse, IN. The history of the built-in One might consider the term “built-in furniture” to be an oxymoron, since furniture is usually defined as movable pieces constructed for specific purposes in the home. However, when we talk about a... View Article

Why the Type of Fencing You Choose Matters

September 28, 2018 4:12 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s not unusual to have to repair or replace an old fence. Ideally, it should be many years before this happens. The good news is that homeowners have more than one option when it comes to residential fencing materials. Let’s ask a general contractor in Syracuse, IN about some of the different types of fencing options and the specific purposes of fences. The purposes of residential fences Residential fences are generally installed for security and privacy, and for some homeowners, curb appeal. You might be interested in one, two or all three of these purposes, so let’s consider them a... View Article

The Best Fall Home Renovation and Maintenance Projects

September 14, 2018 4:12 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Any reputable remodeling company in Syracuse, IN would recommend looking into important home maintenance and getting repairs done throughout the year. Year-round preventative maintenance ensures your home is in a safe and livable condition, but there are some tasks that are best done during the cooler months. For one thing, you probably want to avoid working on big outdoor projects in the hot sun. Others are projects that should be done before the start of winter. Keeping the house in good condition should be every homeowner’s goal. With that in mind, here are some big and small home renovation projects... View Article