Categories for Custom Home Design

The Timeline of Building a Custom Home

July 15, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Having your own custom home built is an exciting adventure. Most prospective new homeowners will feel some level of impatience during this long process. It can help when you are aware of the average timeline for a new home build. This quick guide will introduce you to the different elements of new home construction and give you an idea of how long each step might take when working with a custom home builder. Remember there can be a lot of factors that will affect the actual timeline for each build, so there are no hard fast rules. It is important... View Article

What Time of Year Should I Build a Custom Home?

December 14, 2021 12:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re taking the steps to build a custom home, congratulations! You’ve made a choice that ensures you will get exactly what you want. You can include all of your must-have custom home design features, style and floor plans. You can enjoy your custom home for years to come, knowing that every element of it is suited to your needs. Now it’s time to start considering the details of how to make a custom home design happen. Read on to find out about when you should schedule a custom home to be built. Spring is ideal Many custom home builders... View Article

Spec Homes vs. Custom Homes

November 30, 2021 12:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The first route many people think of when it comes to homeownership is buying an existing house that’s for sale. While that’s certainly an option, it’s not your only one. You can also choose to hire a custom home builder in Syracuse, IN to build a custom house, or you can buy a spec home. Continue reading to learn more about these choices. What’s a custom home? A custom home is just what it sounds like—a house that’s built just for you. The future homeowners work closely with an architect and a builder to create their dream house. What’s a... View Article

Why Should I Choose a Custom Home?

November 16, 2021 12:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Becoming a homeowner is one of the most exciting steps in a person’s life. But instead of buying an older house, you might want to consider working with a custom home builder in Syracuse, IN to build your dream home. This post will cover a few of the top reasons to go custom. Future-proof Preparing for the future isn’t always easy, but one thing you can do is build a custom home! Building a custom home allows you to select everything to accommodate your lifestyle today while planning ahead for future family growth. Lower monthly energy bills It’s safe to... View Article

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Having a Custom Home Built

June 23, 2020 10:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Building a new home from the ground up is a wonderful, rewarding experience when it’s done correctly. It’s also a mammoth undertaking that shouldn’t be entered into lightly. As exciting as the prospect of building a custom home can be, it’s crucial to do your homework and determine your needs. That means learning the right questions to ask. Curious about what to ask before building a custom home in Syracuse, IN? Here are some good starting points. Pick the right team When you want to know what to ask before building a custom home in Syracuse, IN, the foremost question... View Article